Contact Information

Full mailing address

Event Details

Venue Address
Please provide a brief description of the event.

Social Media 
Please include links or handles (@_____) for your social media accounts.

Will St. Charles Foundation be the sole beneficiary?


Did you read the full Community Organized Fundraising Rules and Guidelines?


How will you raise funds (select all that apply)
Have you acquired all necessary licensing from the Oregon Department of Justice for your game of chance fundraiser?
Will you use proceeds from the event to fund expenses?
Where do you want the donations to be directed?
An unrestricted donation that allows St. Charles Foundation to determine and fulfill the areas of greatest need at St. Charles Health System and/or St. Charles Foundation.
Including but not limited to providing financial support to St. Charles Cancer Center for programs, patient support, screenings, research funding, etc.
Including, but not limited to, supporting the NICU, pediatric department, children's programs, specialized pediatric and neonatal medical screenings and equipment.
Including, but not limited to, providing financial assistance to St. Charles employees through continuing education, certificates and degrees.


Do you plan to use St. Charles' name and/or logo?
Would you like to provide complimentary tickets/admissions for a St. Charles Foundation and/or St. Charles Health System representative to attend the event?

Based on staffing availability and tickets must be provided a minimum of 12 weeks in advance of event.

Will you be serving alcohol at your event?
Have you contacted OLCC for licensing and permit requirements?
Do you require any permits, licensing or certificates of insurance for your event?

The fundraising event or appeal organizer/sponsor/organization agrees to indemnify, refund and hold St. Charles Foundation and St. Charles Health System harmless against and in respect of any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities damages, recoveries and deficiencies, including interests, penalties and reasonable attorney’s fees that shall be incurred or suffered by St. Charles Foundation and St. Charles Health System which arise, result from or relate to the fundraising appeal, the organizer/sponsor/organization’s performance of its agreement as specified in the guidelines and Community Organized Fundraising Application.

Please use a mouse, stylus or index finger to sign the box below.