Cancer Wise: Know your Risk


Cancer Wise: Know Your Risk

St. Charles Cancer Center’s new program “Cancer Wise: Know Your Risk” is a leading-edge approach to care, designed to identify people at increased risk for cancer through personalized assessment, genetic testing and education. With the support of the community, St. Charles Foundation’s annual Saints Gala raised more than $220,000 earlier this year. The Foundation’s goal is to raise an additional $40,000 this summer to ensure this program is available to everyone in Central Oregon regardless of where they live or their ability to pay.

Helping our community become more “Cancer Wise” includes:

  • Expanded genetic testing, helping identify people with a greater risk for cancer and designing a personalized plan for medical management.
  • Expanded community outreach so that everyone has equal access to testing and follow-up services. Where someone lives or what kind of insurance they have should not be a barrier to receiving the best cancer care possible.
  • Promotion of lifestyle modification strategies for cancer prevention and risk reduction, with focus on healthy habits of nutrition, exercise and smoking cessation.

You can help support the St. Charles Cancer Center program for cancer prevention and early detection by making a monetary donation. Simply click the Donate button below and select the "Cancer Wise" designation in the drop-down menu. If you've prefer, you can mail a check to St. Charles Foundation, 2500 NE Neff Rd., Bend, OR 97701.