A fund of St. Charles Foundation, Sara’s Project works closely with St. Charles Cancer Center to serve anyone facing breast cancer in our region, regardless of where they receive cancer treatment.
Meet Sara Fisher
A cherished teacher, counselor and inspirational community volunteer, Sara Fisher died in 1992 after a seven-year battle with breast cancer. Sara was an advocate for women’s health. In her honor, Sara’s Project continues to promote women’s health through education, outreach, research and breast cancer support services. Read full bio >
What does Sara's Project provide?
- Breast cancer kits with educational materials, local resources and product samples; these kits let newly diagnosed patients know they are not alone
- Underwriting costs for integrative therapies such as therapeutic massage, acupuncture, yoga and reiki
- Community education for early detection and risk reduction, plus educational services for breast cancer patients
- Help for under-insured patients, including mammograms and financial assistance for patients who need help with non-medical expenses such as transportation and lodging
- Breast cancer research through St. Charles Health System
How can I help?
You may make your donation in memory of or in honor of a loved one.
Use the online form (write "Sara's Project" in the Notes field.)
Mail: Sara's Project, St. Charles Foundation, 2500 NE Neff Rd, Bend, OR 97701 (checks payable to St. Charles Foundation)
Phone: 541-706-6996
Heaven Can Wait 5k Walk/Run
Host a fundraiser for Sara’s Project or volunteer to help with one of our programs or events.
For more information, call 541-706-5800.