
Before your event

  • Download our Community Organized Fundraising toolkit for more details and information. 

  • Decide how you want to fundraise.

  • Name your event. Have fun and be creative. Something catchy so it is easy to remember.

  • Decide on a date, time and location. Be sure to give yourself enough time to plan and prepare. Be conscious of possible conflicting local events and holidays.

  • Tell us about your idea. Complete the Community Organized Fundraising application (hyperlink) at least 60 days before your event.

  • Will you need to contact local law enforcement or apply for a public use permit? Do you need to provide security as part of your agreement with the venue? Be sure to research all required permitting, insurance and licenses you will need for your event.

  • Recruit help: friends, family, coworkers, neighbors or volunteer organizations may be interested in forming a planning committee.

  • Plan your budget, both expenses and projected income. Try to get creative on how you can keep your expenses at a minimum. We can provide you with a sample budget worksheet to help keep you on track.

  • Determine what vendors you will need to work with i.e. caterers, audio visual support, rentals companies, etc. – if applicable to your event.

  • Organize what supplies and materials you will need. Will you need to print auction programs, create a sponsor benefits brochure, how will you display signage during the event, will you display banners, etc.? Try to outline and plan for all supplies and materials you will need ahead of time to allow you to organize and if needed, purchase.

  • Promote! Tell your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and community members with flyers, emails and letters, invitations, posters, ads or local media. Be sure to remember all promotion and marketing materials must be reviewed and approved by St. Charles Foundation in advance. Be sure to allow time for this process. Get creative and have fun! 

During your event

  • Assign at least two people you trust to be responsible for handling donations and monies. We can provide a donation tracking form for use during your event, if needed.

  • Take pictures! Be sure to get photo releases so you can share your success.

  • Don’t forget to thank your volunteers and supporters when applicable.

  • Have Fun!! 

After your event

  • Collect and tally the funds. Thank your donors, volunteers and supporters again. By email, social media, on the microphone at the event, etc.

  • Organize and reconcile monies collected with any applicable tracking and donation forms.

  • Pay any remaining outstanding expenses.

  • Submit funds raised as soon as possible and no later than 90 days post event to St. Charles Foundation.

  • Get some rest and celebrate your success knowing you helped make a difference!